Make Mistakes
The quickest way to grow is to make mistakes and get over your fear of failure. Accept that you will fail and make many mistakes as you learn. When you no longer fear failure and you accept making mistakes, you’ll take more action and grow exponentially. Success comes with being willing to try and try again. The failures and mistakes are all part of the growth journey. Embrace it. Let go of perfection. Let go of making it to your destination flawlessly. You and I are all beautifully flawed in some way. Embrace it.
I’ve made countless mistakes in every area of life; mistakes in love, mistakes in friendships; mistakes in health; mistakes in education; and now mistakes in business. Instead of focusing on or dwelling on the failures, I focus on the gains. I focus on the lessons, the growth. And that’s how you move forward in life. Yesterday is just a concept. Today is your reality. Acknowledge the present and keep moving forward boldly and fearlessly. There is only growth if you focus on growth.
Make mistakes. Move forward. Learn. Grow. I’m rooting for all of you.